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Patient & Family Advisory Council

The Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is dedicated to helping Boulder Community Health improve our ability to meet the needs of our patients. PFAC members play an important role in improving care by providing feedback from the patient perspective on treatment, the overall experience and access issues throughout the continuum of care.

Since PFAC members are all former patients or family members of patients who have received care within the BCH network, each provides a distinct and informed external perspective. With their invaluable feedback, BCH can assess what we are doing well, and identify areas in need of improvement—particularly in the area of patient experience.

Here are just a few of PFAC’s past accomplishments:

  • Jump-started a system-wide initiative to enhance empathetic listening by doctors and staff in order to better understand the needs of patients and their loved ones (BCH Listens)
  • Developed useful recommendations for simplifying billing information
  • Improved the hospital check-in experience
  • Reviewed patient-facing component of the new electronic health record

Click here to learn more about requirements for membership. If interested, please fill out our PFAC Questionnaire, save it and email the completed form to