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Visiting Hours & Quiet Time

Visiting Hours

Monday-Friday: 5:30 a.m. - 7pm

Weekends: 7am-7pm

Family Birth Center Quiet Time: 2 to 4 p.m.

Updated Foothills Hospital Visitation Policy

Boulder Community Health knows how important visitors are to a patient’s wellbeing. We are also committed to keeping our patients and staff safe throughout the year including times in which respiratory viruses are at higher levels.

Due to respiratory virus season, please note the following:

  • Visitors under the age of 12 are not allowed in the inpatient units (1N, 2N, 2W, 3N, 3E and the Family Birth Center) and Surgery unless it is in the best interest of the patient. Children under 12 years old are more likely to be infected with respiratory viruses during peak of respiratory season due to cohorting at school and daycare and this poses a risk to transmission to vulnerable hospitalized patients who are high risk for severe complications, including death, from the circulating respiratory viruses.
  • This does not include outpatient services (ED, clinics, imaging, and lab).
  • Masking is required for visitors and staff during direct patient contact in patients with high risk medical conditions in the following areas:
    1. Special Care Nursery
    2. 1North and outpatient infusion
    3. 3East outpatient infusion
    4. Other areas based on provider assessment that patient has high risk immune compromising conditions

Masking is optional in all other areas and BCH facilities not listed above. Please, if you are sick or have respiratory symptoms, wear a mask to protect the health of others. Respect the decisions of others. Know you have the right to ask your care team to wear a mask.

Please see other visitation guidelines below:

  • You should not visit if: you have signs of illness or if you have been in contact with someone who is sick. If you are immunocompromised, pregnant, or elderly you should talk to your doctor before visiting the hospital.
  • The café and waiting areas are open to all visitors.
  • Hospital main lobby doors are locked from 7 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. on weekdays and 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on the weekend.
    • During these hours visitors enter through the Emergency Department entrance.
  • No visitors are allowed while patients are in COVID-19 rule out status.
  • Patients with COVID-19 are allowed TWO visitors at a time for up to five hours. Visitors may not come and go.
    • We will give you PPE to wear while in the patient’s room. This will include a gown, gloves, and mask. You must keep these on while in the room.
    • Your personal belongings must stay outside the room. We will keep them in a secure place for you. You will be allowed to keep your phone or tablet with you.
    • Staff may ask you to step outside of the room to keep you safe during certain procedures. You will be told when you can return.