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John H.

  • Author: John H..
  • Date Submitted: Feb 21, 2019

The $3,946.00 Strep throat test and we have to pay for it.

Our daughter was a freshman at CU boulder, we live in Michigan. She went back to school after the Christmas break and a couple of days later called us that she was sick and that it felt like strep throat. The campus clinic had not reopen yet so she couldn’t go there. I called our insurance company and they said she could go to Boulder Community Hospital and that our insurance would work there.

Fast forward a few months and we get a bill $3,946.00 for services. I called the insurance company and they said the hospital coded it in a way that they wouldn’t pay for. They said a lot of hospitals are doing that because people are using the emergency room for minor ailments and they want to stop it. I did find some articles online about this.

I have been in contact with the hospital, but it looks like we are not going to come to a resolution.

So that’s the story, a 19 year old girl, a long way from home for the first time, sick and we get a bill for almost $4,000.00.

If you do go to Boulder Community, you better ask a lot of questions.

I will follow up here when I get more information.