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Clare F.

  • Author: Clare F.
  • Date Submitted: Mar 23, 2020

Dear Boulder Community Foothills staff: ER, ICU and 1 North, staff,

We want to thank you for the wonderful care you gave our brother/uncle/son, Carl F. Bucholz while he was at Foothills Hospital …Jan 29-Feb15, 2020.

As a family we were impressed with the exceptional and professional care you gave Carl from his first night in the ER, then the ICU, and in his final days in 1 North.

As a Vietnam veteran Carl suffered from mental illness related to war trauma and was never able to get back to a normal life and his planned career as a research scientist. Consequently he had a very hard life and suffered immense loss.

In his last days your team helped Carl feel safe, comforted and cared for and helped us help him to transition gently from this life. We are very grateful for the excellent and compassionate attention he received from each and every one of you.

Many Thanks,

Clare Futral, Kurt Bucholz,

Angela Bucholz

& families