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Karl T.

  • Author: Karl T.
  • Date Submitted: Aug 24, 2020
“We had a wonderful delivery and really loved our time at BCH. The staff treated us extremely well and the views of the flatirons are amazing.”

We had a wonderful delivery and really loved our time at BCH. The staff treated us extremely well and the views of the flatirons are amazing.

BUT BCH charges your baby up to $6,200 for staying there in addition to the cost of the $9,000 delivery that they charge the mom. They charge your baby over $6,000. To be clear, BCH doesn't charge the mother's insurance but they charge the baby's insurance which will have a separate deductible. And the services are all "General Classification" on the bills.

My wife had a very easy birth but BCH also sent her a bill for $32,000 with $23,000 in adjustments to total $9,000. Even though their BCH Pricing Transparency sheet puts a Vaginal Delivery at $6,436 – $8,930. My wife's was so easy it should have been $5,000.