Event Details
Art Therapy Workshops - Cancer Support
- Categories: Virtual Event, Support Group, Class, Cancer

About This Event
- Event Type:Support Groups
Monthly Art Therapy Workshops are currently on hold until further notice
Please register via the info at the bottom of the page.
Join us at Boulder Community Health and Rocky Mountain Cancer Center for monthly workshops with art therapists Cindy Gordon and Tamara Schardt. They will help those touched by cancer (patients, caregivers and family members) learn the healing benefits of self-expression through art. Participants are welcome to continue (or start) working on their project for the art show (date to be determined), or work on something they feel inspired to create. For those who would like something more structured, we will do some demonstrations or offer a suggested theme. No art experience is needed!
We will continue to meet online each month using the Zoom meeting application until otherwise notified. For most of these workshops, you can use any materials including colored pencils, markers, pastels, paints, or collage materials. If you need supplies, please let us know!
- September 11, 2023: Animal Guides. Show what kind of animal you would be, if you were an animal. What are the traits that draw you to this animal? Instead, maybe you’re a mixture of many animals; think on those traits and show them in visual form.
- October 2, 2023: Art with Natural Objects. With our busy lives, we don’t often take time to smell the flowers, see the beauty in the dandelion, or marvel at the skeletons of leaves. Take a moment to explore outside, and please bring some items from the natural world: leaves, sticks, dirt, clay and other earthy items. We’ll take time to honor the web of connections.
- November 6, 2023: Self-Garden. Create a garden representing yourself out of any materials. The plants and trees can stand for your strengths. The roots can be things/people/events that support you and your growth. You can add sun and water as things that nurture you. How do you tend to your garden?
- December 4, 2023: Word mandala collage. Mandalas are geometric figures representing the universe in the Buddhist tradition. In this workshop, we will create a personal mandala from cut-out words, expressing various aspects of ourselves: self-care (spiritual, psychological, physical, etc.), strengths, or affirmations. This can be a more general mandala of self, or you can identify very specific aspects of self.
When: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom link will be provided after registration
Cost: Free – Please consider donating to BCH Foundation
Tamara R. Schardt, MS
Tamara is a Masters-level art therapist, working toward board certification and registration. She’s also an artist, advocate, and educator who believes art is for everyone; it is a vehicle of expression that can amplify voices, reduce stress, build confidence, create connections and change, and shed light on adversities. Tamara works with clients across the lifespan, individually and in groups, using art therapy and verbal psychotherapy (talk), incorporating mindfulness, educational, adaptive and movement techniques.
Cindy Gordon, Ph.D., LPC, ATR-BC, CAAP
Cindy Gordon is a licensed professional counselor and a board-certified art therapist. She works with individuals and groups facing the challenges of depression, trauma, body image, grief, anxiety, medical issues and life transitions. Cindy works with clients using both verbal psychotherapy and non-verbal methods (art therapy, photography, and writing) to reduce stress, promote self-awareness, and gain insights about themselves.
Tamara R. Schardt, MS (303) 720-4201Preferred tschardt@aclboulder.org
- Price: Free
- Registration Instructions: Please contact Tamara Schardt at 303-720-4201 (call or text) or tschardt@aclboulder.org.