March Walk with a Doc: Spring Fun in Boulder
- Category: General, Infectious Diseases
- Posted On:
- Written By: Boulder Community Health

Highlights of the talk:
1.Getting the flu vaccine is always a good idea. Though it's not a guarantee you won't get sick, but it will shorten your infection and lessen your suffering if you do get sick with the cold or even the flu.
2. Tamiflu can shorten your flu infection-- but only IF... you take it within 48 hours of contracting the virus.
3. Use antibacterial gel or wash your hands with soap and water for 15 seconds. Done frequently, this is your best bet to avoid illness.
4. The concept of vaccines dates back to early China! It is difficult to pinpoint when the practice began, as some sources claim dates as early as 200 BCE. Early methods involved grinding up smallpox scabs and blowing the matter into nostril or scratching matter from a smallpox sore into people's skin.
The BolderBOULDER was there to help people sign up for the very first dedicated Walk with a Doc - Colorado wave in the 41st annual BB10K race on Memorial Day! To register for the Walk with a Doc wave and get $5 off your race fee, click here. Then select your pakage, choose Walking and select "Walk with a Doc" as the "business. Use coupon code 19*WWD at checkout.
And our Pharmacy and Clinical Education teams were there to answer questions and teach simple hands-only CPR. Add coffee, snacks and sunshine and a great time was had by all!
We want to thank all our sponsors, including the Boulder Community Health Foundation, for making this great and always heartwarming (and healthy!) event possible.