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BCH Offers Laboring Moms Option of Nitrous Oxide

  • Category: General, Maternity Care
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Lisa Allen, MSN, MBA/HCM, RN Director, BCH Family Birth Center
BCH Offers Laboring Moms Option of Nitrous Oxide

Woman in Labor Sitting on Bed

The Family Birth Center at Foothills Hospital is now offering nitrous oxide relief to laboring moms. Our patients asked for a nitrous oxide option and we heard them!

Nitrous oxide relief at BCH is self administered by the laboring mom, so she has complete control. While using nitrous, women can remain up and moving at the bedside, as long as there is someone to help steady them. Nitrous can also be used for IV starts and other labor and delivery procedures.

Even better, nitrous oxide use does not require additional fetal monitoring and there are no known effects for the baby. Family Birth Center nurses have special training to assist laboring moms using nitrous oxide.

Innovative pain relief is just one of the options the Family Birth Center offer our laboring moms. We also offer moms stress-relieving aromatherapy treatments, acupuncture treatments, hot tubs, birthing balls, squatting bars and more.

We want women to feel very comfortable moving around freely in labor. Once the baby arrives, our suites offer a family bed so everyone can rest comfortably together.

Our certified lactation consultants coach new moms on successful breastfeeding. In fact, most babies born at the Family Birth Center are exclusively breast-fed, which offers lifelong health benefits. After you go home, we host a weekly new moms support group and more.

Read more about the maternity services offered at BCH's Family Birth Center, a Baby-Friendly designated hospital.

CLICK HERE to take a Tour of the Family Birth Center at Boulder Community Health.